Weekly Fire Pump Inspections & Tests: Prepare for Disaster, Comply with the Law
Having a fire in your building would be bad enough – but imagine having a fire and the sprinkler system didn’t work, or there was no water in the fire hoses?
That’s one reason why fire pumps in NYC residential high-rise buildings must be inspected and tested weekly in accordance with the NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The NYC Fire Code adopts the NFPA 25 Standard which seeks to cover wear-and-tear issues of fire protection systems that are in place.
The purpose of the weekly fire pump inspection is to check whether the pump assembly is in operating condition and is free from physical damage. The weekly fire pump test is intended to ensure the system is ready to operate automatically or manually upon demand, and will provide continuous delivery of required system output. While the weekly inspection is a visual observation (and can be performed at the same time as the weekly test to prevent a separate visit), the weekly test is a physical test that exercises the pumps without flowing water. The NYC Fire Code requires that records of the weekly inspections and tests of fire pumps be maintained on the building premises for a minimum of three years, and made available for inspection by a Fire Department representative.
Individuals qualified to perform weekly fire pump inspections must earn a Certificate of Fitness (S-12) for City Wide Sprinkler Systems and/or a Certificate of Fitness (S-13) for City Wide Standpipe Systems from the NYC Fire Department. Many on-site property managers and/or superintendents hold the S-12 and/or S-13 Certificates of Fitness and perform the weekly inspections themselves. However, weekly fire pump tests must be performed by contractors who hold a Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractor License, Master Plumber License, or Engineer License with a S-12 and S-13 Certificates of Fitness.
By Spencer Kraus – Account Manager – Fred Smith Plumbing & Heating Co.