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June 20, 2008

City Council Shuns Bottled Water – Launches Bottleless Water Cooler Program

The New York Times reports that the City Council has become the latest government agency to take a stand against bottled water. According to “Think Outside the Bottle ,” environmental campaign, bottled water costs 4,000 to 10,000 times as much as tap water.” Moreover, millions of plastic bottles end up in landfills and scarce petroleum is consumed in the manufacture of them. In fact, the Speaker’s office reported that the Council’s downtown offices went through at least 6000 single-service bottles (plastic) last year. And now, bottled water will no longer be available at City council events or official functions. The Times also reports that Mayor Bloomberg is one of several mayors who favor a resolution by the United States Conference of Mayors to restrict use of bottled water in government buildings in an effort to promote the importance of municipal water. You may read the full article here.

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